Practicing for LSAT Exam and Games

Exams like LSAT require focus and practice, especially for the logical reasoning part. To excel in this section, practice LSAT logic games online, most of which are available for free. Many websites not only provide LSAT practice tests for free, but also provide free online LSAT practice games which when made use of intelligently, will help you a great deal in your preparation for the examination.

LSAT logic games
In the Analytical Reasoning section of LSAT, you have these Logic Games that aims at testing your innate ability to work with logical constraints, and make necessary deductions which can be based on your own system of rules. Logic Games of the LSAT is considered to be the most difficult and tricky part of the test for most people who take the test. But in the Analytical Reasoning section, there is scope for improvement with practice. Over time, the students who go through these free practice tests online will learn to identify different game types in a fast manner, and choose the correct solutions without struggling for it.

The following is a sample of an LSAT practice test question which helps you understand the kind of logic games that are provided in the exam and that which you need to practice for.

Sample problem: A single group of three or four has to be selected from a group of seven odd people. Among the seven are two ladies, Fana and Kavya, and five boys: Ram, Sam, David, Peter and Rahul. Ram would not like to be in the group if Sam is also picked for the same group. Sam and Rahul want to be picked together in the group. Kavya would like to be in the group only if David is also there in it. David, if he’s selected, would not like Peter to be selected in the same group as him. Ram would like to be in the group only if Peter is also there in his group. David insists that Fana should be selected in case he is there in the particular group.

Which of the following statements is true?
a. Kavya and Ram can be part of a group of four.
b. A group of four can have two ladies.
c. A group of four can have all four boys.
d. None of the above is true

6. Which of the following can be feasible group of four people?
a. Ram, Peter, Fana, Rahul
b. Sam, Rahul, Kavya, David
c. Sam, Rahul, Fana, David
d. Fana, David, Ram, Peter

Which of the following is a feasible group of three people?
a. David, Ram, Rahul
b. Peter, Sam, Rahul
c. Kavya, David, Sam
d. Fana, David, Ram

Other LSAT practice problems and LSAT test questions can be found online for free if you search for it. Make good use of it to ace the examination. Analytical Reasoning section and these practice questions might be the trickiest section of all, but this is where one can improve with practice.


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