LSAT Sample Questions and Pattern

Before writing the LSAT exam, the applicant must be aware of and very familiar with the pattern and the types of questions that will be asked. In order to make that happen, there are many institutions that provide an LSAT preparation course and many websites that have sample questions to help them. However only sample questions will not be of much use as there should be answers too, so the applicant can check them and correct his mistakes and learn so he doesn’t make the same mistakes again.

LSAT Exam Pattern:
There are four sections in the test and also a writing sample. The LSAT writing sample is not graded, but that doesn’t mean one needn’t prepare for it. Section one is the LSAT reading comprehension, which has a number of passages and associated questions. Typical questions under this section include about the thesis of the passage and the author’s note. Most passages are about topics related to science or economics, so the students taking the exam tend to get confused. A simple way to tackle the problem of reading comprehension is to first read the questions and then come to the passage. Underlining when necessary is also a suitable aid. When the passage becomes difficult, do not keep reading, but read only the first sentence of each paragraph and write it down, so you can save time while answering questions by looking into only that paragraph where it is likely to be present and not scan the entire reading comprehension passage.

LSAT Logical Reasoning section will have a range of questions that vary from argumentative patterns to some short reading comprehension questions. One common type of question asked would be, “Which of the following statements, if true, will most likely undermine the argument?” Another commonly asked question is, “What is the flaw in the above statement?” The best way to prepare for this test is to be familiar with the types of LSAT sample questions and learn how best to answer them.

LSAT Analytical Reasoning is also popularly known as Logic games. While some candidates find this section of the test very difficult, others find it relatively easy and even fun. This section consists of questions where one has order statements based on certain conditions, followed by a question. This section, if familiar, becomes very easy and most people would enjoy doing it. Identifying this type will become simple after a few practice tests.

LSAT Writing Sample: Though the writing sample is not valued by most law schools, it is still required in the test. The question in this section is mostly about two alternatives and why should one be chosen over the other. A good way of answering this question is to weigh both the opportunities and then present a case of one over the other. There is however, no correct answer in this section, only equal presentation of both options.

LSAT Questions of the Day: Some websites provide sample LSAT questions, one per day. One can subscribe to them and make the learning process simpler and more fun.


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